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Many people have a strong urge to go into a form of hibernation in winter. The team at Town and Country Gardens thinks that there is still a way to enjoy your outdoor space during the cold months, which is why we’ve put together this list to help prepare your garden for winter. Landscape gardening is one of the services we provide so that, if you don’t relish the thought of months of simply being indoors, you have options. Using our gardens design skills, we can ensure that you have every reason to venture out this winter.

How to prepare you garden for winter with fire

Let’s tackle the major problem head on – most people don’t like the cold! However, it’s also true that most people love a good, roaring fire. It’s a focal point for gathering as well as keeping warm. You can either go with an actual roaring fire or invest in a garden heater.

If a flickering fire appeals to you, there are a number of options Town and Country Gardens can offer when you choose us for landscape gardening in Richmond or the surrounding areas. We can build a feature that incorporates a fire, such as a fire pit with seating or an outdoor chimney. Some of these can even incorporate cooking facilities, such as a pizza oven or barbeque area. Just because it’s cold, there’s no need to stop cooking outside. We can also help you source and store wood. Having a well-stocked woodpile is crucial to enjoying outdoor warmth.


Sometimes you just need a halfway house between indoors and outdoors – this might take the form of a gazebo or pergola. When we offer you landscape gardening, we can assess the size of your space, your budget and how you intend to use the space and present you with some options.


Yes, the evenings are drawing in and it’s getting dark earlier. That means you need to rely on lighting to make your garden look enticing. Town and Country Gardens can provide a plan for subtle, solar-powered lighting or a more extravagant winter wonderland look that appeals to children as well as adults. There are lots of available options. Once you see what can be achieved with modern garden lighting, it will be hard to stay indoors on even the frostiest days.