Time to think of the future!
Autumn is a tremendously busy time for gardeners as we cut down perennials, tidy up autumn leaf fall and start pruning soft fruits. However, it’s also an exciting time as we can start planning for next year, in particular bulbs to plant in Autumn. Autumn is when we can plant out the bulbs for riotous displays in early Spring. The choice has never been better. We love bulbs for their simplicity, adaptability and the sheer joy of colour at the end of a grey winter.
Bulbs can be planted out in lawns, beds or pots. They come in a great range of sizes and colours. Daffodils are great for longevity, tulips for bright and varied colours. Alliums make a great statement in established beds and Muscari and Crocus for carpets of colour.
If you’d like help with the selection and planting of bulbs in Autumn, call Town and Country Gardens on 0207 736 7801. We can come and help add some joy to your Spring!